Mac - Subscriptions

We are happy you are using Olive Tree for your Bible Study!

For just $2.99 to $5.99/month you can subscribe to a Bible Study Pack. This will provide you access to a curated library including items like Study Bibles, a one-volume Bible commentary, a Bible dictionary, a maps set, a Bible atlas, a cross reference set, and a concordance that is tied to Strong’s numbers for basic original language study. Buying these resources individually through Olive Tree would cost over $300. 

How to Sign Up

We offer five different subscription bundles: the NIV Bible Study Pack, the ESV Bible Study Pack, the NKJV Bible Study Pack, the NLT Bible Study Pack and the Starter Pack. 

You can sign up for your NIV, ESV, NKJV or NLT subscription directly on our website by clicking here. 

You can sign up for the Starter Pack by clicking here.

How to Use

Once you subscribe, the study Bibles, maps, and other titles included in your subscription will be added to your Library. Learn more about the resources included and how to use them here.

We recommend opening a Bible in the main window, and the Resource Guide in the Study Center for the best study experience. The Resource Guide will display content related to the Bible verses you are viewing in the main window. As you navigate to other Bible verses in the main window, the Resource Guide will update to show you relevant study notes, maps, etc. Learn how to use the Resource Guide here

How to Manage/Cancel Your Subscription

If your subscription was set up directly on our website, you can manage your subscription there as well. To manage the subscription on our website, click the following link and log into your Olive Tree account:

  • Log in at:
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  • Select your name in the upper right corner and then select 'My Account'.  
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  • Select ‘Manage Subscriptions’ on the account overview page. 
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  • For subscriptions that were set up on our website, options will appear to Change Billing Schedule, Change Payment Method, or Cancel.
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  • For subscriptions made through the Mac app a link to how to manage your subscription through your Mac app will appear instead.

If you subscribed within the app on your Mac, the subscription is managed by Apple. Follow these steps to manage an Apple subscription from within the Olive Tree Bible App: 

  • Ensure your sidebar is open. The sidebar can be toggled by selecting this icon:
  • Select 'Account Details' in the sidebar.
  • Any Bible Study Packs you are subscribed to will be listed. Select ‘Manage Subscription’. This should direct you to the App Store to manage your subscription.

More questions? Click here for our subscription FAQ's. 

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