The Library is where you can access the books associated with your Olive Tree account. We also have other information related to your Library in this area such as recommended titles and notifications.
You can access the Library by selecting the Library icon on the toolbar.
These are the icons and options you will find within the Library:
1. Library Tabs
- Cloud: All of the titles associated with your Olive Tree account will be listed here. An arrow over the cover image indicates that the title is not yet downloaded to the device. Select a title to initiate the download.
- Device: The Device tab lists all of your downloaded books. Any audio titles will also be listed here, regardless of whether they have been downloaded. (Audio titles can be streamed over an internet connection or downloaded for offline use. For more information on Audio, click here.)
- Recommended: This tab has titles we recommend for you based on the books in your Olive Tree account.
2. Filter
- Select 'Add Filter' to filter your Library by a category such as Favorites, Bibles, Audio, and more. If in place of '+Add Filter' you see something else, then your Library may currently be filtered. Select the text, then select 'All' to remove the filter.
3. Sort
- Select 'Sort' to sort your titles by Title, Author, or Recent.
4. Search
- Select 'Search' to search your Library. Titles in your Library will be listed first under "Results from your Library'. You will also see results from our Store listed below under "More Results from Olive Tree".
5. Store
- Select the Store icon to browse and purchase additional resources such as other Bible translations, Bible commentaries, Bible dictionaries, Christian eBooks, etc.
6. Notifications
- Select the Notification icon to view notices such as updates to your resources, download statuses, etc.
7. Options
- Select the Options icon to access the various options available for your Library:
- Enable List/Grid View
- This option allows you to view your titles either in a list view or a grid view. See examples:
- Toggle Fullscreen Library
- Library Settings
- This screen displays the various Library Settings:
Most of the Library options are self explanatory. Further below in this article we will cover the "Hidden Resources" option. We also have a detailed article on how to manage your storage here.
In the Library, you can set resources as favorites and sort them into your preferred order to make them easier to find. This option is especially helpful for users with a large library, though users with smaller libraries can also take advantage of this tab.
- To access Favorites, select 'Add Filter'.
- Select 'Favorites'.
- Any titles that you have already added as a Favorite will be listed here. To add more titles as Favorites, select 'Edit'.
- A green heart indicates that a title has already been added as a favorite. Select the green heart again to remove the title from your favorites.
- Select an opaque heart to add another title as a favorite.
- Select 'Done' to take the Favorites list out of edit mode.
Remove a Resource:
To remove a downloaded resource from your Library, follow these steps:
- Select the Library icon.
- Confirm you are on the 'Device' tab.
- In the List View, select the three-dot icon to the right of the title and select 'Offload'.
- In the Grid View, secondary click (or hold 'control' and click) and select 'Offload'.
Once a title has been offloaded, it can still be downloaded again from the 'Cloud' tab of the Library.
Hide a Resource:
In addition to removing resources, we offer an option to hide resources. This will remove the title(s) from the Cloud tab of the Library.
- Select the Library icon.
- Confirm you are on the 'Cloud' tab.
- Locate the title you wish to hide and secondary click it (or hold 'control' and click). Then select 'Hide'.
Unhide a Resource:
Hidden resources can be un-hidden from the Options area of the Library.
- Select the Options icon and then select Library Settings.
- Select Hidden Resources.
- Select Unhide to unhide a resource.
We hope this article has been helpful for you. If you have any further questions about the Library, please submit a ticket to our Support team. We are happy to help you!