iPhone/iPad - Downloading Books

In order to download your resources, download the app and log in to your account within the app. Once you have logged in, you will have access to your Library of books.

Downloading from the Library

We recommend downloading your books from the Library.

Tap the Library icon and ensure you are on the 'Cloud' tab of the Library.


Resources that are not yet downloaded are dimmed with a download arrow. Tap on one of these images to download the resource.



Once a resource has been downloaded, the cover image will be solid and you can tap on the resource to open it in the main window. 

Please note that Study Bibles are downloaded as a bundle. For more information on using Study Bibles, please see this article.

Automatic Downloads

We offer an automatic download feature that is useful if you have a large library and do not wish to tap on each book to download it. 

From within the Library, tap the options icon in the upper right corner and select 'Library Settings'.


Toggle 'Automatically Download Books' on.


Your Library of books will now download automatically with the exception of audio books and audio Bibles.

Audio books are not automatically downloaded since the files are usually large. By default, audio is streamed, which requires an internet connection.

You can choose to download audio books or sections of audio Bibles by opening the book and selecting 'Manage Download' in the audio options. This will make the downloaded files available for offline listening. There is more detailed information about downloading audio in this help article.


Downloading from the Store

There is also an option in the Store to download books from your account, download free books and purchase new titles. 

Tap the Store icon on the toolbar.


To download free items, scroll down to the Free Resources section and tap 'See All'.

Select 'Download' for free books or 'Setup' for free audio Bibles and books.

For purchased items, select the 'Purchased' tab at the bottom of the screen.

Locate the resource you want to download.

Select 'Download' for books or 'Setup' for audio Bibles and books. Once a resource is downloaded, it will be accessible within your Library. 

If a resource you purchased is not appearing in the Purchased tab, please follow the 'Register In-App Purchases' steps in this article

Using the Library 

Books downloaded to your Library are available for use offline. To switch between books, select the Library icon and choose the resource you want to open. 


For more details on using the Library, visit this article.

We hope these steps have helped you to download your books to your iOS device. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact our Customer Support team.

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