Thank you for your interest in Spurgeon's Morning and Evening Devotional.
In this Help article, we will go through a few ways to use Spurgeon's Morning and Evening Devotional. We will be using our iOS app as an example, but these steps should work with most devotionals and within any of our apps on supported devices.
If you haven't downloaded your devotional yet, you will find the download steps for your device(s) in this Help article.
Open as a Devotional
One way to use Spurgeon's Morning and Evening Devotional is as a devotional. To start, tap the reading plan icon at the top of the screen:
When the 'Reading Plans' screen is open, scroll down until you see Spurgeon's Morning and Evening Devotional under My Devotionals. Tap on it.
You will see that the Olive Tree Bible App automatically divides the commentary into daily readings with a Scripture passage and devotional for each day. Tap 'Start Reading' to set up the devotional as a scheduled daily plan.
Each day, tap on the reading plan icon and 'Continue Reading' on the devotional to read the day's Bible and devotional texts.
Use the prompts in the text to mark the readings as complete.
Open in the Main Window
Another way to use Spurgeon's Morning and Evening Devotional is on its own in the main window. This option will allow you to navigate in the devotional's Table of Contents. First, tap on the Library icon and choose the devotional from the list of downloaded resources.
Once Spurgeon's Morning and Evening Devotional is open in the main window, tap on the navigation menu to access the Table of Contents.
Linked Verses
Many of our devotionals offer a handy feature called Linked Verses. This means that as you're reading, you can simply tap on the hyperlinked verse referenced in the devotional to get a pop-up display of that verse.
You can even set a default Bible version for Linked Verses, so that your preferred translation shows in the pop-up windows. Here are the steps you can follow:
- Tap the Settings icon on the toolbar (gear icon).
- Tap Advanced Settings.
- Tap Hyperlinks.
- Tap Default Bible for Hyperlinks.
- Tap your desired translation or the Last Opened Bible.
Please note the above steps are for the iPad/iPhone app platform, so the exact steps may vary on your device.
Ways to Purchase or Subscribe:
You can purchase the Spurgeon's Morning and Evening Devotional on our website here.
Spurgeon's Morning and Evening Devotional are also included in our Starter Pack subscription along with the Olive Tree One Year Daily Devotional. With a variety of resources, this Starter Pack is a great value for just $2.99/month. You can learn more and sign up on our website here.
We hope this article has been helpful for you. If you have any further questions about using your devotional in the app, please submit a ticket. We’ll be happy to help you!