How To: Olive Tree Cross References: Concise Set

Thank you for your interest in the Olive Tree Cross References: Concise Set!

A cross reference is a verse that has a similar theme or topic as the verse you are reading. The Olive Tree Cross References: Concise Set is a unique cross reference system derived from numerous traditional sources. The resulting cross reference set provides nearly 20,000 of the most important and relevant cross references for each passage in the Bible. 

In this article, we will go through two options for using the Olive Tree Cross References: Concise Set within the Olive Tree Bible App.

Option 1: The Resource Guide

Cross references can be found within the Resource Guide under Related Verses. First, open the Study Center by tapping 'Open Study Center' in the green bar at the bottom of the screen. 


Next, select 'Resource Guide' (lightbulb icon) and find the 'Related Verses' section. Under the 'Related Verses' section, you will find a list of all the resources that include cross references in your library. Select the Olive Tree Cross References: Concise Set.


Here you will find all the cross references related to the Bible text you have open in the main window. 


To read one of the cross references, tap on a Bible verse to view the text in a pop-up window.


Option 2: Parallel Window

First, open the Study Center as shown in the screenshot above. Next, select 'Parallel' at the bottom of the Study Center to locate and select the Olive Tree Cross References: Concise Set.


While linked, the Olive Tree Cross References: Concise Set will scroll along with the passage in the main window. You can see that the parallel window is linked with the main window in the lower right corner. 


Tap on a Bible verse to view the Bible text in a pop-up window.


Ways to Purchase or Subscribe:

You can purchase the Olive Tree Cross References: Concise Set on our website here.

The Olive Tree Cross References: Concise Set is also included in our Starter Pack! With a variety of resources, our Starter Pack is a great value for just $2.99/month. You can learn more and sign up on our website here.

We hope this article has been helpful for you. If you have any further questions about using your cross reference set, please submit a ticket. We’ll be happy to help you!

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