Thank you for your interest in the Naves Topical Bible Index!
Naves Topical Bible Index is an indispensable tool for topical Bible study. This volume provides more than 100,000 hyperlinked Scripture references arranged under more than 6,000 topical headings.
In this article, we will go through three options for using Naves Topical Bible Index within the Olive Tree Bible App.
Option 1: Main Window
One way to view Naves Topical Bible Index is in the main window. This option will allow you to navigate using the Table of Contents.
Select the Naves Topical Bible Index from your Library to open it. To access the Table of Contents, tap on the navigation menu at the top of the screen.
This will reveal the Table of Contents that you can use to navigate anywhere in Naves Topical Bible Index.
Option 2: The Resource Guide
Naves Topical Bible Index can be found within the Resource Guide under People, Places, or Topics. First, open a Bible translation from the Library in the main window. Next, open the Study Center by tapping 'Open Study Center' in the green bar at the bottom of the screen.
Next, select 'Resource Guide' to view content from your Library related to the Bible verses you are viewing in the main window. Scroll to the People, Places, or Topic section to find a list of all the resources that include cross references in your library.
Select one of the topics shown, then select the Naves Topical Bible Index. In this case, we have selected Adoption as our example.
Here you will find a list of verses related to the topic you have chosen.
Tap on a Bible verse to view the Bible text in a pop-up window.
Option 3: Lookup Tool
Tap and hold a word in the Bible text and a menu will appear with various options. Tap the 'Lookup' button to get articles on that specific word. From here, you can follow the same steps as you would in the Resource Guide option above.
Ways to Purchase or Subscribe:
You can purchase the Naves Topical Bible Index on our website here.
The Naves Topical Bible Index is also included in our Starter Pack! With a variety of resources, the Starter Study Pack is a great value for just $2.99/month. You can learn more and sign up on our website here.
We hope this article has been helpful for you. If you have any further questions about using your Naves Topical Bible Index, please submit a ticket. We’ll be happy to help you!