In order to use our resources, you will need to download the Olive Tree Bible app to your Windows 10 or later device. In this Help article, we will walk you through the steps to download the app through the Microsoft Store.
To start, click the Start/Windows icon. This is usually located in the lower right corner of your screen, depending on your customization. Scroll through the list of programs (listed alphabetically) until you find and can click on the Microsoft Store:
Alternatively, you can click in the Search bar, type in 'Microsoft Store', and click on the option that appears.
When the Microsoft Store is open, select the Search bar.
Type in 'Bible by Olive Tree' and click the Search icon or 'Enter' on your keyboard. If you have trouble searching for the app, try this link:
You may see the result for our app populate under the search bar, like this:
Click on the Bible by Olive Tree app. On the next page, click 'Get' to start the download of the Bible by Olive Tree app.
When the app has finished installing, click 'Open'.
The Bible by Olive Tree app should appear in its own window. When the app is open and you have gone through the initial app set up to choose free Bibles and your privacy settings, you will need to log into your account to download your purchased books.
Once installed, the app will appear in your Start menu. Click the Start icon in the lower left corner of your screen and locate "Bible by Olive Tree" in the list of programs to open the app.
We also recommend that you pin the app to the taskbar for easy access. When the app is open, right click on the app icon on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
Click 'Pin to taskbar'. Now you can click on this icon each time you want to open the app.
We hope these steps have enabled you to download the Bible by Olive Tree app to your Windows 10 or later device. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact our Customer Support team.