Android - Settings

Settings for the app can be found by tapping the Settings icon on the toolbar.


Below is a list of the different settings located in the Settings icon on the toolbar. You will also find a brief explanation for each setting. 

Quick Settings Menu

Tap the Settings icon to open the Quick Settings menu.


  1. Font Size - A quick way to change the font in the main window.
  2. Select Theme - Choose between the default theme or low light theme. (Note: Only the default theme can be customized.)
  3. Vertical Scrolling - Quickly change between vertical and horizontal scrolling.
  4. Font Face - A quick way to change the font face.
  5. Advanced Settings - Access additional settings that are described below. 

Advanced Settings 

Tap the Settings icon and tap Advanced Settings to open the options in the list below.

  1. Font Settings - Change the font face and size for the various windows of the app.
  2. Color Settings - Change the background and font colors.
  3. Hyperlink Settings - Choose your default Bible for hyperlinks and how to open hyperlinks.
  4. Resource Guide - Edit what sections and books appear in the Resource Guide.
  5. Sync Settings - Choose to automatically sync and whether to sync on WiFi only.
  6. Automatic Downloads - Download your books automatically.
  7. Scrolling Settings - Choose between vertical (swipe up/down) and horizontal (swipe left/right) scrolling.
  8. Other Settings
    1. Display Options:
      • Verses Start on a New Line
      • Multi-Column Text
      • Show Strong's Numbers
      • Hide Notes and Highlights in Text
      • Hide Notes and Highlights in Popups
      • Words of Jesus Color
    2. Window Behavior
      • Keep Screen On
      • Full Screen
    3. Verse Copy Options
      • Include Verse Numbers
      • Include Translation in Citation
    4. Reading Progress
      • Reading Progress Display
    5. Advanced - These are settings that should only be used at the request of one of our Customer Support team members. 
  9. Account Settings - Log into your Olive Tree account here.
  10. Storage Options - Enable or disable cache here. There are also advanced settings to move your app's storage location or clear/disable the cache. Use these options when directed to by a Customer Support team member. 
  11. Privacy - Enable or disable privacy settings and personalization/messaging in the app.
  12. Reset Fonts and Colors - Reset all fonts and colors to the original default. This can fix some display issues. 

We hope this article has been helpful for you. If you have any further questions, please submit a ticket to our Support team. We are happy to help you!

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