Can I give a gift to a friend?

We have two options available for giving resources to others. The first option is to give a gift card, which allows you to choose an amount to give the recipient to spend in our store at The second option is to gift a resource. This option is found on the resource store page just below the 'Add to Cart' button. 

Adding a Gift to your Cart

First, select your gift card here or select the resource you want to give by navigating to the resource you want to give on and selecting 'Give As Gift'.

Once you select your gift, you will see a form to fill out with several options. This is where you can choose what amount to include in your gift card.

Give a Gift Card.png

Once you have filled out the necessary information, click 'Add to Cart'. You can then repeat the process for any additional gifts.

Once you have added all your gifts to your cart, you can complete your purchase and the gifts will be sent to the email address specified and the confirmation e-mail will be sent to your e-mail. 


1: How is a gift sent?

There are a few ways that you can give or send an Olive Tree gift card to a recipient.

  • In the gift card form, place the recipient's email in the box provided and an email will be sent directly to them from us with a redemption code to use on our site.
  • Send the redemption code to yourself and forward the email to the recipient when you would like them to receive the gift card.
  • Send the redemption code to yourself and print the email to be given to the recipient by hand.

2: Can a gift be purchased and scheduled for later delivery?

We do not physically mail out gift cards. We will send an email with the gift card information as soon as the order is completed. 

If you wish to make a purchase now and send the card at a later date, we suggest having the gift card information sent to your email. Select this option while choosing the gift card amount.

3: Can gifts be sent anonymously?

When purchasing a gift card, you are not required to fill out your email address. You are prompted to enter a name, but you could use a fake name ("Anonymous," etc.).

4: Will a gift card purchased on Olive Tree be usable in the Apple Store or Google Play Store?

The gift card purchased on our website must be redeemed through a web browser at It cannot be used for purchases made within the app on an iPad, iPhone, Mac, or Android device. However, any purchases made at can be downloaded within the app by logging into an Olive Tree account within the app on a supported device.

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