We want our users to have the best experience possible with our resources. On occasion, we realize that a resource may not meet your expectations. We are happy to consider requests for refunds made within 30 days of the date of purchase on our website at OliveTree.com. Once approved, the funds will be returned to your billing account within five business days.
We are not able to provide or guarantee refunds on purchases made within the iOS/Mac in-app stores within the app. This is because in-app purchases are processed through Apple's system and are subject to their terms and conditions. If you need steps to request a refund through Apple directly, contact our Customer Support team at support@olivetree.com.
We are able to provide (though not to guarantee) refunds through the Google Play Store. In order to refund purchases through the in-app store in the Android app, we need the order number that begins with 'GPA'. If you need assistance finding this order number, contact Customer Support at support@olivetree.com.
In certain cases, we may be prohibited from providing a refund due to publisher restrictions. If a product is not eligible for a refund, it will be stated in the product description.
To view the Olive Tree Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, or EULA, click here.
To request a refund, please Submit a Request with our Customer Support team.